By “dumbing” down our schools curriculum are we actually hurting our children?

Are we dumbing down math and diluting the learning process by trying to make the curriculum fun? This year our daughter started to learn math using a methodology that is known as Tessellation. In researching what this methodology of teaching entailed it was described as a process of teaching math “which does not depend largely … Continue reading

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After spending considerable time following the Limbaugh – Fluke controversy in the chat rooms and comment streams of the social media world one thing is clear . . . America needs to grow up, stop being petty and for goodness sake get an idea!

At the end of the day while improper and inflammatory . . . the Limbaugh – Fluke controversy pales in comparison to the problems the US faces in terms of an economy and education system that are slipping into a third world status, and a health care system marred by pharmaceutical company corruption and a … Continue reading

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  • Books Written by Jon Hansen